The chimney sweep process is different depending on what type chimney and fireplace you have. In general, when you call a professional chimney sweep like Capitol Chimney Service, the chimney sweep will first access your chimney from the roof to clean out your flue (your chimney’s venting system) from the top. A vacuum is used at the bottom of your fireplace to collect any soot and debris from contaminating your home.
Once your chimney is cleaned from the roof, the chimney sweep will then clean your fireplace, woodstove, or fireplace insert from the inside of your house.
Between professional chimney sweeps, you should sweep and dust your fireplace hearth after each use to help prevent residue buildup in your fireplace. In addition, avoid using chemical cleaners on your fireplace. Even after they dry, some cleaners can leave a flammable residue on your fireplace surface.
Most chimney fires are caused when too much dirt builds up inside a chimney interior. When you burn wood in your fireplace, the smoke condenses into a tar-like substance called creosote. Flames and sparks in your chimney can easily ignite a creosote buildup on the inside of your chimney, causing a chimney fire to occur.
This is why one of the best ways to prevent chimney fires is to schedule regular chimney cleaning. We recommend you have your chimney cleaned at least once a year, but if you use your chimney frequently, you could require more frequent chimney sweeping.
In order to determine if your chimney needs cleaning, check the inside of your chimney with a flashlight once a month to assess the amount of creosote and soot buildup. If you notice a 1/4 inch or more of buildup, contact Capitol Chimney Service for chimney cleaning today.
When you burn wood in your fireplace, the smoke condenses into a tar-like substance called creosote. Flames and sparks in your chimney can easily ignite a creosote buildup on the inside of your chimney, causing a chimney fire to occur.
After a chimney fire, it’s crucial that you schedule a chimney inspection before attempting to use your fireplace or chimney again. Fires can damage your chimney structure, chimney flue, flue liner, and other chimney components, so it’s important to have a professional inspect your chimney to figure out if you need any chimney repairs.
If you have a leaky chimney, a number of problems could be to blame. Because your chimney is constantly exposed to rain, snow, and other weather, it’s vital to have it waterproofed. Failing to waterproof your chimney is one major source of chimney leaks and, consequently, water damage.
Alternatively, if you have a chimney leak, the issue could be your chimney flashing—the metal that joins the roof to the chimney. If you have water staining on your ceiling near your chimney or even running down the walls, it’s possible that your chimney needs re-flashing.
Chimney spot cutting is used to repair minor brick damage to your chimney. Spot cutting involves replacing cracked bricks rather than replacing the entire structure.
If you’re wondering if your chimney needs to be relined, look for the following signs:
Excessive buildup on the inside of the chimney
Cracks in the flue tiles
Damaged or missing flue tiles
Missing mortar in the flue tiles
Click here for chimney relining in the Washington, D.C. area.
Not only do chimney caps prevent debris (water, leaves, etc.) from getting into your chimney, they also prevent embers from your flue chamber from getting onto your roof. Consider chimney cap installation to avoid house fires and roof damage.
Read more about the importance of chimney caps.
Chimney Swifts are birds that commonly nest in chimneys. They are protected by the federal government, and it’s therefore against the law to interfere with them if they make a home in your chimney.
The best way to avoid Chimney Swifts is to have a chimney cap installed.
How often you need a chimney sweep actually depends on how often you use your fireplace. For most people, a yearly professional chimney sweep will suffice to make sure your chimney is clear of blockages and buildup, operates efficiently, and is not at high risk for chimney fires.
It’s best to hire a chimney sweep for safety reasons. For example, in some situations, chimney deposits create large blockages that you are too dangerous to clean with a brush for risk of igniting them and causing a chimney fire (if this is the case, you need a chimney repair).
Your chimney flashing is the metal that joins your roof to your chimney, where leaks often occur. If you have water staining on your ceiling near your chimney or even running down the walls, it’s possible that your chimney needs re-flashing.
Read more about chimney waterproofing.
If just a few of your chimney bricks are loose and there’s not a lot of other damage, we recommend a process called up pointing. During an up point, we will repair any loose mortar or missing mortar between your bricks.
Chimney chase covers are exactly what they sound like—tops that go over your chimney chase. Also known as chimney chase caps or chimney chase tops, they come in several materials, including copper, stainless steel, and galvanized steel.
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